Hot Hot Hot! It has been so hot all well! I even waited till 8PM on Friday night before going out to clip and wash Seven. I was hoping that I would not melt on Saturday!
Saturday Morning it was not as hot and a nice breeze, there is hope for to day! I left at 7AM for Robbins and even had time to stop at MacDonalds for Breakfast.
I got to town and was happy to see my friend Vance Clark and his wife set up with his donkey! Diane was there too with her donkey Pearl! I just got parked and up drive Kenneth Kelly! He was still in the area visiting from Colorado and came to visit everyone for the day!
Shortly after getting Seven unloaded I got a call from Tom and Deby Cochran and I guided them into town over the phone. I got the Awning put out for some shade and started to get Seven tacked up.
About 11 AM we all rode down the road to line up. We had Tom and Deby on their mule and donkey, some friends of theres with a really nice Donkey named Sadie pulling a cart and some other members of the club. Diane chose to lead her donkey Pearl through the parade because he was just broken to ride. As we started the parade Pearl did not like the noise that one of the carriages made and refused to go! After she continued to refuse I get Seven to push the donkey along for a few strides. He just walked up to the side of her and put his head and neck over her her back and hips and pushed her along with his chest. Once he got her moving she kept going! I was so proud of him! The rest of the parade went well and there were thousands of people there! At the end of the parade I had to push the donkey one more time past a big industrial fan.
We got back to the trailers, grabbed some lunch and sat down to watch the awards ceremony! Tom won Best Mule in the Parade with his big black mule COAL and Deby won Best Donkey in the Parade with her Pauline. Pauline went on to win Donkey Halter in the show and Coal won Mule Halter. Coal also won Western Pleasure with Seven getting 2nd (out of two) but the class was more like Construction Zone Western Pleasure. There was a Chain Saw and logging competition going on one side of the ring and men putting up a temporary fence on the other side. Plus all the usual crowd and distractions! Two very well broke mules!
I drove home tired and hot was glad that I went and also glad that we had a nice cool breeze for most of the day!
Many thanks to my friend Susan for all the photos.

Tom & Deby on Coal and Pauline
Lindsay and Flyboy
Parade Grandmaster Odell Hussey!
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