Monday, June 21, 2010

A Break Down

On May 15th I was excited to meet Lisa and Lawson for a Hunter Pace with the Red Mountain Hounds. I got up early, groomed and tacked Sadie up as it as going to be another hot day. I loaded Sadie a few minutes early and headed out the front gate. I got on the phone to let Lisa know that I was on the way, when my truck just quit on me. I was able to coast down the hill on Moss Road and 1/2 way up the other side of the hill. I was STUCK! I got my horsemanship cones and put them out in the road to warn people. Just my luck I had just joined a new service offered to AQHA Members called EquiPass. It is kind of like a AAA for horse trailers. I got them on the phone and was very impressed with the service. They asked if I was in a safe place and if the trailer was loaded and if the mule was in a safe place. They also offered to call the police if I needed it. They called a tow truck which would be able to tow my truck and trailer if needed. In the mean time I was still so close to home I decided to just ride Sadie home. I put her bridle on in the trailer and tightened the girth. I let her unload and them pulled her around so she was next to the step down of the trailer. I was able to use that as a mounting block. Away we went! Sadie must have been one confused mule as we rode home and then I untacked her and let her go out into the pasture. I got back to the truck and trailer and it started! I was able to get the trailer back and unhooked just in time for the tow truck to come and do a great job taking my truck to the shop. I missed the Hunter Pace but was able to try out my new service! Turned out is was the battery ground cable. Apparently if you lose the ground on your battery your engine will shut off!

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