My friend at work's Daughter Kayla came over this last Saturday to do some mule and donkey riding with me.
Claudia came and brought her really cool Black TWH and rode with us in the moring for about 2 1/2 hours.
When we got back Claudia wanted to try riding Chester my donkey! So we tacked him up!
She liked his long ears and his funny swinging gait! She said next time she came she would have to try a longer trail ride!
Kayla and I picked up a quick lunch and then headed out on the trail again. This time with Kayla riding Chester! She did very well with him. On the 1 hour ride I only had to have Seven Pony him 4 times to get Chester moving again! Not too bad!

Love those ears!!!!!!!
I have a Dutch WB X mule, coming 5, that is 16hh and spotted. I am training her for dressage, she is slow maturing so we are taking our time. My first (and only) mule- it has been lots of fun so far. Hoping to really irritate some DQs at shows someday.
Lee Manuel
email me at manuelee@aol.com if you want to see pictures!
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