All the years I have been showing I have never won a Belt Buckle!
All the high points, all-arounds and championship... when ever there was a belt buckle up for grabs, it seemed something would always go wrong. So I considered it a Curse!
So my friend Seven finally got it done did for me! We competed in 8 Trail Obstacle Competitions (1 each month) at Brock and Leisha Griffith's place in Denton, NC. The finals being Oct. 27th, 2012.
We were leading in the points early but still had to go each time and put in good performances to keep our lead. Leisha waited till the end to be sure I would win, because she wanted to order a belt buckle with a Mule Rider on it for me! So thoughtful! Can't wait for it to get there though!
Thank you to Leisha and Brock for hosting the competition and to everyone who was so supportive with your kind words and cheers!
I feel like I can now say "Misson Accomplished" well at least this misson!
My biggest thank you goes to Seven who willing jumped those bank jumps and did all kinds of strange things for me, just because I asked!
Seven with our Champion Ribbon!
Mom and Dad came down from Virginia for my Birthday and to watch the competition!
Year End Winners are: (LtoR) Chad 3rd place, Melissa 4th place, Brock Griffith, Rebecca 2nd place, Shannon 1st place, Willow 1st place Youth and Leisha Griffith!
My Trail Obstacle buddy Christina, she won one of Brock's new training tapes!
Seven made friends with Willows 2 year old donkey!! He just loves all Donkeys! Too Cute!