I finally purchased a handgun, a S&W 637, .38 Special to be exact, and took the Concealed Carry Certification class. Who knew serious business could also be so much fun? After months and months of talking to different people, visiting gun shops and even the Dixie Deer Classic, I finally purchased me handgun. The gun shop gave me the names of a few instructors that they recommend. I picked a name out and gave the instructor a call. Turned out Barry had a class this coming Saturday, with an opening. I told him that I would be very interested in taking the class, but there was just one problem. I had not even shot my gun yet, nor had I shot a gun in, O' about fifteen years.
As a kid my Uncle Ken from California used to take me and my cousins out shooting when I came to visit. We even shot his grandmothers Colt 45! But boy it has been a long time! I seriously questioned whether I would be proficient enough to pass the course. Barry the instructor offered to meet me on Tuesday night and go over things and give me a private shooting lesson.
To his surprise and mine too, I shot really well! I never missed the target and even stayed within the qualifying score. We agreed that I could take the course this Saturday. Thanks to Uncle Ken, who did a great job teaching me to shoot!
At 8AM, five of us and two instructors, spent 9 hours going over all the laws for concealed carry, gun safety, cleaning, shooting stances, etc. After a written test, we headed for the range. The other lady and I let the three gentleman in the class go first and then we took our turn. I left really good about my shooting. I stayed mostly in the Zero points area (which is the center) and never even out of the -1 Points area. I also never hit the higher "head" area! Barry and Sharon even had us shoot from behind objects, low, close and moving backwards. All moved that might be needed!
Now all I need to do is fill out all the fun paper work and go down town to turn it in! Then wait for the call, to come pick up my permit!