This Christmas season has been very busy. With starting a new job at the College of Veterinary Medicine and an extra dog (Mom's dog Dylan) staying with me since
Thanksgiving. The weather has not been cooperating either. We have had so much rain and it
seems always on my days off.
We did get time to ride in the Parade in Holly Springs with a group from the
CVM. I brought Sadie along and had her wear two sets of sleight bells and a sign on each side of her pack saying
NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine. The Mules did great and led all the other horses through the parade. They took the marching bands, floats and tons people all in stride!

I convinced Navarre to load up on to the porch for this years Christmas Card photo!

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas & Lots of Mule Riding in 2010!