Then we got Third in Training Test 2 out of 10. I improved my score from the first time from a 60.7 to a 65.4 I was very pleased to say the least!!!
Claudia Coombs came to give me moral support and brought a Dressage Bridle for Seven to wear. It had a sparkly brow band which looked snazzy! The nose band would not fit so we had to take the piece off my bridle, which was brown but we decided that no one would be looking at his nose! Two of Claudia's students came to watch Seven go! I was very surprised and honored to have such a great support group!
The father of the girl who got second in the Intro Test B came over to me and congratulated me, told me that his daughter has been trying and trying to win that division and they always miss it by just a point or two. I asked him what kind of horse they had, he said and Oldenburg (My favorite type of warm blood) then he asked what I rode and I had to tell him his Daughter's Oldenburg got beat by a MULE!!! He said he would have to tell her that. He said sarcastically "that will make her feel REALLY GOOD!"
The few moments of sweet revenge for all the bad comments over the years about mules! Claudia laughed after he left and told me, "At least I did not tell him that his Oldenburg got beat by a $700 Mule!"
Thanks Claudia for all the support and taking these great photos!